
How to solve ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS with WooCommerce, WordPress, and Chrome

A quick note for anyone experiencing this ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS issue I spent half the day trying to fix today, since I found no blogs on it. Apparently, Chrome was the only browser throwing this issue. I had a client’s e-commerce site (WordPress and WooCommerce) which suddenly started throwing Too Many Redirects errors today. Safari, Firefox, and IE all worked […]

Entrepreneurship Recommendations

How to Start an LLC Lean

My friend Roy came by the office today asking me how to start a company. He already has good income coming in from his production business, and is ready to officially become a legitimate corporate entity. I was going to write him an email, but since this might be useful information to other up and coming businessfolk, here you […]


24 hours with Canary

We were robbed a couple weeks ago. As far as robberies go, the outcome was about the best it could be. It could have been much worse. No one was hurt, and the jerk only stole $60 in cash (which was a donation for Because of Ezra a friend had given us!) Still, it was dangerous for […]


Switching to Hyundai

Eventually in this post I’ll get to us switching to Hyundais in the Matthews home! Robyn and I first met Ashley Martin Burnette‘s mom Nicole at the NMTRC Symposium in 2014. She is a vibrant cancer-mom, much like Robyn, and I enjoyed hearing her words as we sat in group discussions around the future and present of […]

Personal Thoughts

How I’d Like to Live

Over a year ago, I wrote a note on my phone with thoughts on how I’d like our family’s life to look. I was feeling very reactionary, responding to things as they happened and not having a clear written set of goals for how we approach life. Since last April, I look at this list at least […]

Entrepreneurship Personal

11 Reasons I Love Living and Working in Tampa

Robyn and I moved to Tampa from Seattle in 2005 to help out my family, who’d moved here in 2003. Our plan was always to move home after a few years, and until the last few years that’s what we were gearing up for. Now, we’re loving Tampa, and all in as a part of this […]


The Beauty of Uganda

Yesterday, my son Charles and I returned from 2 weeks in Uganda. I wrote some of my thoughts on Uganda‘s culture while there. As we flew 9000 miles to return home, I reflected how much the beauty of eastern Uganda had settled my mind; God’s green brush strokes on a red dirt canvas. We have a tendency, in the states, […]


Mbale, Uganda, Africa

tl;dr – I spent two weeks in Uganda this June, and fell in love with the country. Uganda is a burst of color. The brash reddish brown dirt trampled under every public space is matched in vibrancy by the ever-present greens of tropical plant life. Pair these with the proud brightness of the locals’ clothing, […]

Entrepreneurship Nonprofit Management Personal

8 Things I Learned Working from Home

I started working from home full time in 2008. I was 26, and (then only a year old) had started making enough for me to quit my “normal person job.” While my wife Robyn worked at the local pie shop (really) to help cover the bills, we were living in a 1000 square foot apartment in […]


Acquiring Brooks Motorsport Composites

In January ModMy, LLC (the company Cody Overcash and myself own) acquired Brooks Motorsport Composites. It’s a fun, small company which creates custom aero solutions for auto sports. Previous focus had been on custom carbon fiber race wings for BMWs, although we’re now expanding to Porsche, Acura, Chrysler, and more – if we don’t have […]